Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Must have baby items

Hey guys!

So today I wanted to give you some of the must have baby items that I have come to love over the past 5 1/2 months. They have truly improved my life. That may sound a little dramatic, but it’s not, guys. All I can say is these items have greatly improved my quality of life, either from helping baby sleep longer which only means mama and dada sleep longer, or helping baby feel better quick which again means happy baby, happy life (I think the original saying got it wrong it’s definitely happy baby which makes happy mama).
So here we go, get a pen and paper, and all of these are sold at target unless otherwise mentioned!



First up is the halo sleep sack with Velcro wings. This little guy is AMAZING if you are like me and found swaddling to cause you more stress than good, because your little one always found a way to escape with just a blanket than this is for you! You just swaddle your baby with the Velcro wings (as shown above) and the best part is they can still move their arms a little bit but they can't escape completely. They get the safe secure feeling but still have a little wiggle room. 
When we first put Parker in one of these he went from sleeping 3-4 hours a night to consistently 5-6 which is HUGE! I also took one to daycare because he wasn't sleeping there so well, and that same day he took his longest nap ever at that point. So in short sleep sack = better sleep for everyone!

This little friend is so amazing and will be a gift I give all my friends that are expecting. It literally just makes the shushing noise on repeat for either 15min or 30 min. We have always used the shushing, swaying swaddling technique well now with this you can shush your little one back to sleep as you are falling asleep in your own bed too.
 I was skeptical at first but the first time I used it I laid Parker down for a nap and started shushing him I turned the shusher on and slowly backed away he was asleep before I even left the room and I was able to get some much needed household chores done without staying in the room for an additional 15 minutes while he fell into a deeper sleep.
I also use this in the middle of the night if he starts fussing and is not settling on his own I go into his room give him his pacifier start shushing him turn on the shusher and I'm back in bed before my spot gets cold. You can get this online at Wal-Mart or amazon.


The nose frida was recommended to me by my doctor who has 6 kids. And let me tell you it seriously is life changing. I think Parker may have some allergies as he always wakes up really congested and you can hear the mucous in his nose, I used to use the little bulb suction and would spend more time in the morning trying to clear out his nose than anything else, he hated it, I hated it, everyone hated it.
So I was telling my doctor about this and he suggested going to the store right away and picking up this little guy, he said it works so much better and boy was he right.
I can clear out his nose in less than a minute now in the mornings just one suck on each nostril and he is free and clear to breathe and enjoy the day. I know it sounds really gross, but there is a stopper so no snot gets in your mouth, and when you have 20 minutes back to sleep or play with your little one you will find it less and less gross I promise!



Lastly I give you the diaper cream to end all other diaper creams. My story is very similar to the one above, Parker had a terrible diaper rash early on and he would scream and scream every time we had to change him and it make me feel so bad!
Well one of our seasoned parent friends recommended this and said it was awesome and at this point I would have tried anything. So we drove to Iowa (where its made, picked it up in Sheldon, IA at the local Hy-vee) and put it on immediately and in one day it went from looking red and bumpy and miserable to almost completely gone!
Now we keep it everywhere: daycare, our cars, my purse, at home at grandpa and grandmas we never want to be without it because it cures diaper rash so quick you can't even believe it. So if you live anywhere near Iowa it’s worth the trip! Unfortunately it’s not sold online yet, but I'll let you know if that ever changes!

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No matter where you are and what you look like. Create your own style.Let it be unique for yourself and yet identifiable for others.
The creation begins deep by yourself. Be inspired in my world and give your life an extra boost. So show yourself more and just be you ♥


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